अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
R. K. Ghosh

आर. के. घोष

PhD (IIT Kharagpur)

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

शोध करना दिलचस्पी

Parallel Algorithms, Parallel Processing, Genetic Algorithms.


CS 219,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016


Distributed Systems & Sensor Networks

चयनित प्रकाशन

Post-order Based Routing & Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Shashank Shekhar, Ranjeet Mishra, R. K. Ghosh and R. K. Shyamsundar, Pervasive Mobile Computing Journal (accepted 1st August, 2013)
Adaptive Monitoring: A Framework to Adapt Passive Monitoring using Probing, Deepak Jeswani, Maitreya Natu and R. K. Ghosh, CNSM 2012, October 22, 2012. (Extended version submitted to Journal of Network Systems Management)
A Survey in Sensor Localization", with Jing Wang and Sajal Das. In Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol 8, no. 1, 2010
A Web Book for Design and Analysis of Algorithms". Listed by all major search engines world wide under category Computers -> Algorithms -> Publications. http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/dsrkg/cs210/
Distributed Algorithms for Finding and Maintaining a k-Tree Core in a Dynamic Network", with Saurabh Srivastava. Information Processing Letters Vol 88, No. 4, pp.187-194, 2003.

पुरस्कार एवं फैलोशिप

Many Java Applets for Animation of Data Structure and Algorithm developed to teach Data Structures and Algorithms now cataloged in algorithms visualization portal AlgoViz ( http://algoviz.org). AlgoViz project was funded by NSF and guided by an internationally acclaimed team of specialists.Marie-Curie Fellowship from European Union[2006].