Mr. Ravi Pandey from SIIC at IIT Kanpur has developed an Anti Viral Nasal filter, the need for this filter arise considering the recent outbreak of corona virus, where the main channel of transmission occurs by the transfer of droplets to a healthy person through air. There have been several similar outbreaks that utilize air as the main transmission channel. However, such transmission of diseases can be stopped using different filters for mouth and nose. Since 90% of the breathing occurs through nasal cavity only, hence nasal passage is the main source of contamination.
The existing masks comprise different straps to hold on to the face of the user and are uncomfortable to wear during different activities of the day. There was a need for a filter that filters the nano particles including any viruses with high filtration efficiency. The present invention minimizes the leakage of air, that occurs from sides while wearing a N95 mask, without maintaining positive pressure inside the filter.