अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन

निविदा सूचना - गेट

Tender Doc Description Posting Date Closing Date
Enquiry No: IITK/GATE-JAM/2020-21/01 Purchase of Hard Luggage Voyager-2020 55 Strolley 01-12-2020 21-12-2020
Enquiry No: IITK/GATE-JAM/2020-21/01 GATE- JAM Office, IIT Kanpur, requires a GODREJ CENTIGUARD SAFE 1360. Sealed quotations are invited for GODREJ CENTIGUARD SAFE 1360 with the following specifications along with our terms and conditions. 01-07-2020 15-07-2020
Enquiry No: IITK/GATE-JAM/2019/08 GATE- JAM Office, IIT Kanpur, needs to print the Roll List, Verification Record, Posters displayed during GATE- JAM - 2020 examination, as per the details given below: 14-12-2019 20-12-2019
Ref. No. IITK/GATE-JAM/2019-20/07 Quotation for branded Soft Luggage Spinner (Example: Swiss Gear/Samsonite/The North Face etc.) 22-10-2019 11-11-2019
Enquiry No: IITK/GATE-JAM/2019/07 GATE- JAM Office, IIT Kanpur, wants to purchased Batteries for UPS installed in GATE- JAM office under Buy-Back disposal,as per the details given below: 27-08-2019 11-08-2019
Enquiry No: IITK/GATE/2019-20/06 Sealed quotations are invited Technical bid & financial bid from reputed, eligible & resourceful bidders for supply, installation of Five Desktop Machine complete in all respect with following specifications along with your complete terms and conditions. The quotation must reach us latest by September 11, 2019 at 4.00 pm. 20-08-2019 04-09-2019
  Tender No.: IITK/GATE/2019-20/02 Enquiry requesting quotations for JAM 2020 poster printing 26-06-2019 04-07-2019
Tender No.: IITK/GATE-JAM/2019-20/01 Quotations for insurance of theGATE-JAM 2019-20 operations 12-06-2019 26-06-2019
Tender No.: IITK/GATE/2016/001 Branded Hand Blender-cum-Chopper 20-10-2015 02-11-2015
Tender No.: IITK/GATE/2015/001 Enquiry - Cum - Quotation for Induction Cook Top 10-12-2014 22-12-2014* Date Extended