अपनी प्राथमिकता निर्धारित करें
फ़ॉन्ट स्केलिंग
पृष्ठ अनुमापन
रंग समायोजन
दीपिका स्वामी

दीपिका स्वामी

PhD (IIT Bombay)

Assistant Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering

शोध करना दिलचस्पी

Climate variability, Impact and Risk assessment, Vulnerability, Adaptation, Energy modeling, Energy economics, Energy policy


Office address: Room No. 106
Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016


Energy and Climate Policy



Ph.D. in Climate Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) (2014- 2019)

शिक्षण क्षेत्र

Sustainable energy policy


Energy economics

Climate policy and governance

चयनित प्रकाशन

Journal Publications

Swami, D., Dave, P., Parthasarathy, D., (2018). Agricultural susceptibility to monsoon variability: A district level analysis of Maharashtra, India. Science of the Total Environment619, 559-577. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.328.


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D., (2020). A multidimensional perspective to farmers’ decision making determines the adaptation of farming community. Journal of Environmental management, 264, 110487. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110487.


Swami, D., Dave P., Parthasarathy, D. (2020). Understanding farmers’ suicidal ideation: a structural equation modeling study in Maharashtra, India. Climatic Change, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-020-02935-8.


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D., (2021), Dynamics of exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and agricultural vulnerability at district scale for Maharashtra, India. Ecological Indicators, 121, 107206. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107206.

Swami, D., Dave, P., & Parthasarathy, D. (2021). Analysis of temperature variability and extremes with respect to crop threshold temperature for Maharashtra, India. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-021-03558-4


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D., (2022), Assessing effectiveness of adaptation strategies in context of crop loss: A case study of Indian subcontinent. Regional Environmental Change. https://doi.org/1007/s10113-022-01921-3 

Swami, D and Gurtoo, A. (2020). Criticality of Midday Meals for School Children Post COVID-19. IISc CSP, Bangalore. 01C/06/2020. https://csp.iisc.ac.in/01C-06-2020/.

Media articles and reports

Swami, D., Gurtoo, A., & Afsharia, B. (2020). Impact on nutrition through Mid-Day meals: building a comprehensive assessment model.

पुरस्कार एवं फैलोशिप

Fellowship from Indian Society of Ecological Economics, November, 2019

Travel fellowship (Indo-German Collaboration) for presenting the work on Environmental Policy, Scope and Challenges for Local Regulation, September 2019

Fellowship from IIT Bombay to attend European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, April 2018

Student Travel grant from American Geophysical Union, 2018

Fellowship from Indian Society of Ecological Economics (INSEE), Kerala, November 2017

Berkner travel fellowship from American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2016

Fellowship from Indo-European SAHYOG summer school, Tezpur, July 2014

University Gold-medalist (Top Rank holder) during Masters’ degree, 2013

सम्मेलन प्रस्तुतियाँ

Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2020), Effectiveness of Adaptation strategies in context of Climate change, presented at International conference on Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Climate change perspective, EMPRI Bangalore, 10-11th December, 2020


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2020), Rising inequalities and suicide rate among farming community in India: Role of Climatic, Socio-Economic, Infrastructural and Institutional factors, presented at EADI ISS General Conference 2020: Solidarity, Peace and Social Justice, 13th May, 2020


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2019), Response to Climate variability: Challenges in Vidarbha region, Maharashtra, India, presented at Indian Society of Ecological Economics, Hyderabad, 6-9th November, 2019


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2019), Decentralization vs National and State action plan on climate change, presented at Workshop on Environmental Policy: Scope and Challenges for Local Regulation, Matheran, 9-11th September, 2019


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2019), Climate change: local vs global challenges, presented at World Conference on Disaster Management, IIT Bombay, 28-31st January, 2019


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2018), Climate change adaptation in Maharashtra: Household level perspectives on agricultural, governance and sociological dynamics, presented at Workshop on Democracy, Devolution and Climate Policy, IIT Bombay, 2-4 October, 2018


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2018), Challenges and approaches to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: Empirical evidence from household survey of farmers in Maharashtra, India. Abstract ED33B-08 presented at 2018 fall meeting, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D., & Dave. P. (2018), Spatio-temporal temperature variability and agricultural vulnerability: District scale analysis for Maharashtra, India, Abstract EGU2018-16004 presented at 2018, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2018), Vulnerability of Mumbai megacity: Socio-economic challenges and water scarcity, presented at Livable cities: transforming sustainability and its challenges, New Delhi, 5-7 February


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2018), Water Crisis in Maharashtra, India, presented at Livable cities: transforming sustainability and its challenges, New Delhi, 5-7 February.


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2017), Determinants of adaptation to Climate Variability for Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India, Indian Society of Ecological Economics


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2017), Increasing Water Vulnerability of Indian Megacity, Mumbai: Interconnected web of Politics and Policies, Indian Society of Ecological Economics


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D., & Dave. P. (2016), Regional agricultural susceptibility to climate variability: a district level analysis of Maharashtra, India, Abstract GC53E-1340 presented at 2016 fall meeting, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 11-15 December

Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D., & Dave. P. (2016), Improving preparedness of farmers to Climate Variability: A case study of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India, Abstract PA14 B-06 presented at 2016 fall meeting, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, Calif., 11-15 December


Swami, D., Parthasarathy, D. (2016), Freak weather phenomenon: A district level analysis of Maharashtra, India, presented at 9th International Geographical Union, New Delhi, 18-20 March

अनुसंधान समूह

M.Tech Thesis Supervision

  • Ashish Tiwari (Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering)
  • Shiv Shakti Singh (Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering)

पेशेवर अनुभव

Assistant Professor, Department of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur; Since December 2021.


Climate Change Fellow, Environmental Management Policy Research Institute, Department of Forest, Ecology, and Environment, Government of Karnataka; October 2020-December 2021


Post-doctoral Fellow, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; March -September 2020

Research Associate, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay; October,2019-Feburary, 2020

Senior Associate: Research and Content, Quantinsti; July-October, 2019