Course Contents
Module on Thermodynamics:
- Review of 1st and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (including applications).
- PVT relations of pure fluids (cubic EOS, generalized correlations, compressibility factor).
- Thermodynamic properties of pure fluids (Single phase systems: Thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell's relations, residual properties. Two phase systems: Clapeyron equation, Phase diagrams. Generalized property correlations for gases).
- Multi component Mixtures: Partial molar properties, Gibbs Duhem equation, Chemical potential for phase equilibria, Fugacity and fugacity coefficient. The ideal solution and excess molar properties. Activity coefficients and models (Margules, NRTL, Wilson, UNIQUAC).
- Vapor Liquid Equilibrium: multi component phase envelopes, gamma phi formulation, dew point, bubble point and flash calculations, modified Raoult's law, Henry's law.
- Thermodynamic properties and VLE from cubic EOS.
- Other types of phase equilibria: LLE, VLLE, SLE.
- Heat of adsorption, multi component adsorption equilibrium.
- Chemical reaction equilibrium. Module on Reaction Engineering.
- Idealization in chemical reaction engineering.
- Steady and unsteady state operation in idealized reactors.
- Multiple reactions.
- Non elementary reaction kinetics.
- Modeling of Catalytic reaction kinetics.
- External diffusion effects on heterogeneous reactions.
- Diffusion and reaction in porous catalysts.
- Design of fixed bed reactors.
Current Course Information
Number of sections:
Tutors for each section:
Schedule for Lectures:
Schedule for Tutorial:
Schedule for Labs: