Professor, Department of Physics
Department of Physics
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
PhD, Physics from University of Kentucky in 2001
M.Sc. (Integrated), Physics in 1995 from IIT Kanpur
We have made a variable temperature (5 - 340 K) Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) in IITK that has been used to probe some of the correlated systems, such as Manganites, Pnictides and graphene. It has led to a number of publications in refereed journals. This work was partly done with DST and IITK support. We also developed an STM electronics and software in collaboration with Dr. Ajith Kumar at NSC (now IUAC) in Delhi and Quazar Tech. in Delhi. Finally this room temperature STM is being marketed by Quazar Tech. and so far they have supplied more than 20 STM systems to various institutions in India.
A new 2 dimensional nano-positioner was made by two UG students under my guidance which is being used with a homemade STM for several years. This positioner was patented with the help of SIDBI and also published ["Compact two-dimensional coarse-positioner for Scanning Probe Microscopes", Anjan K. Gupta, Rajiv Shankar Sinha, and Reetesh Kumar Singh, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 063701 (2008).].
"STM/S study of Charge-Ordering Energy Gap on the surface of La0.35Pr0.275Ca0.375MnO3 thin films", Udai Raj Singh, Saumyadip Chaudhary, Shyam K. Choudhary, R. C. Budhani, and Anjan K. Gupta, Phys. Rev. B. 77, 014404 (2008).
"Study of Large Scale Linear Fringes on Graphite by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy", Shyam K. Choudhury and Anjan K.Gupta, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 46, 7450 (2007).
"Hysteresis in superconducting short weak links and -SQUIDs", Dibyendu Hazra, Lætitia M. A. Pascal, Hervé Courtois, and Anjan K. Gupta, Phys. Rev. B 82, 184530 (2010).
Oct 2009: P. K. Kelkar Fellowship for three years.
Nov 2006: Best Presentation Award at "Building Futures: First Indo-UK Nanotechnology Workshop",
July 2004: Young Associate, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore.
Aug 1997: Dissertation year fellowship, University of Kentucky, USA.
May 1995: Best M.Sc. (Physics) Experimental Project Award at IIT, Kanpur, India.