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Technology Licensing to Airshed Planning Professionals Pvt. Ltd.


Technology Licensing to Airshed Planning Professionals Pvt. Ltd.


Source: Information and Media Outreach Cell, IIT Kanpur

In order to boost local manufacturing and support the MSME sector, an invention “Air Sampling Device” developed at IIT Kanpur has been licensed to Airshed Planning Professionals Pvt. Ltd. for manufacturing & sales.

The traditional parameters of PM measurement lack measurement of bio-aerosols, The current device eliminates the need for two different sampling devices to be bought for bio-aerosol and particulate matter sampling separately.

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Considering the pollution levels of north India particularly Kanpur, the current technology i.e. Air Sampling Device can collect samples for the assessment of different parameters of air, including quality of respirable air, monitoring & sampling of ambient air and quantitative evaluations of substances present in the air along with providing quantitative estimate of different microbial colonies load in the ambient air.

The above device is a low-cost technology for efficient air sampling, the device has a simple design as compared to conventional real time optical instruments.

The above technology is developed by Prof. Tarun Gupta & his PhD Student Dr. Amit Singh Chauhan from Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Kanpur. The above invention has also been protected through an Indian Patent Application No.- 1474/DEL/2014.

During the agreement exchange ceremony, Director of IIT Kanpur Prof. Abhay Karandikar welcomed Mr. Dhirendra Singh the Director of the licensee company i.e. AIRSHED. Prof. Karandikar said that such technologies are developed at the Institute to promote the MSME sector, for boosting the indigenous technological ecosystem, and more of such technologies will be transferred to industry partners in near future from IIT Kanpur.

The agreement exchange ceremony was also joined by Prof. Tarun Gupta, Prof. Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, Prof. AR Harish and Mr. Ravi Pandey.