Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Graph algorithms, randomized algorithms, and dynamic algorithms.
CS 307,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
Design and analysis of efficient algorithms.
PhD, October 2003(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Computer Science).Thesis Title: Efficient randomized algorithms for path problems in graphsSupervisor: Prof. Sandeep Sen
M.Tech, 1999(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Computer Science)
B.Tech, 1997(Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Computer Science)
Discrete Mathematics
Data Structures and Algorithms
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Randomized Algorithms
Fundamentals of Computing
Jogging (5 km in 27 minutes)
Kite flying (few times in a year)
Software Engineer (Feb 1999-November 1999).
Postdoctoral Researcher - Max Planck Institute for Computer Science (October 2003- June 2006).
Assistant Professor - Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur (2006-2010).
Associate Professor - Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur (2010 onwards).