Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nation with a Special Reference to Subnationalism, North-East Indian Literature in English and Translation, Cultural Studies, Critical Theory, Tamil Literature
Office address:
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur - 208016
Ph.D., NIT Tiruchirappalli, June 2020
PG, Bharathidasan University, April 2013
UG, Bishop Heber College Tiruchirappalli, April 2011
Manickam, Muthukumar and Vinod Balakrishnan. “Historicising the Banal: Media Representation of India’s North-East as Discriminatory Pedagogy Begetting subnational Discourse” Archiv Orientalni. 85. 3. (2017): pp 409-438.
Manickam Muthukumar and Vinod Balakrishnan. “Being Bios in Zoe and Zoe in Bios: Easterine Kire’s Bitter Wormwood as a Critique of Agamben’s Model of Biopolitics.” South Asian Review, 42. 2. (2019): pp 147-176.
Balakrishnan, Vinod., Vishaka Venkat., & Muthukumar Manickam “Virality in the Environment of Political Cartoon: When History Intersects Representation. The European Journal of Humour Research. 7. 2. (2019): pp 137-152.
Manickam, Muthukumar and Vinod Balakrishnan “Subnational Discourse as Counter Imagination in Esther Syiem’s ‘To the Rest of India from Another Indian’: Towards a Confederal Political Assumption” Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and History of Ideas. 18. 1. (2020): pp 149-173.
Secured university second rank in Post-Graduation