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ME321A - Advance Mechanics of Solids




Course Contents

Introduction to Cartesian tensors; Strains: Concept of strain, derivation of small strain tensor and compatibility; Stress: Derivation of Cauchy relations and, equilibrium and symmetry equations, principal stresses and directions; Constitutive equations: Generalized Hooke's law including thermo elasticity, Material symmetry; Boundary Value Problems: Definition of the bvp in linear elasticity including concepts of uniqueness and superposition; 2d plane stress and plane strain problems, introduction to governing equations in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, ax symmetric problems (examples may include problems on curved beams, thermo elasticity, torsion of non circular cross sections, contact problems in 2d, problems on wedges and crack tip fields); 3d problems by potential methods; Energy methods and problems.


Current Course Information


Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs: