Professor, Department of Physics
Department of Physics
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016
Quantum Optics
PhD, University of Hyderabad (1998)
M.Sc., Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (1992)
B.Sc., Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (1990)
Multicolored coherent population trapping in Lambda - system using phase modulated fields Harshawardhan Wanare, Physical Review Letters Vol. 96, 183601 (2006)
Hadron optics in three dimensional invariant coordinate space from deeply virtual Compton scattering, S.J. Brodsky, D. Chakrabarti, A. Harindranath, A. Mukherjee, J.P Vary, Phys. Rev. D 75, 014003(2007).
Why do superluminal pulses become subluminal once they go far enough?, Lipsa Nanda, Harshawardhan Wanare and S. Anantha Ramakrishna, Physical Review A - Rapid Communication, Vol. 79, 041806(R) (2009).
Negative and positive hysteresis in double-cavity optical bistability in a three-level atom H. Aswath Babu and Harshawardhan Wanare, Physical Review A Vol. 83, 033818 (2011)
Coherent control of refractive index using optical bistability, H. Aswath Babu and Harshawardhan Wanare, Physical Review A Vol. 87, 033821 (2013)