Prerequisites: CHM 626
Course Contents
General introduction to solid surface and interface of materials (No. of Lecture 2)
- Why surface is different/important?
- Applications of surface and interfaces
Thin films and Clusters (No. of Lecture 5)
- Type of interfaces: solid-solid, solid-molecule, solid-liquid, gas-solid interfaces
- Elementary processes of gas-surface interaction
- Adsorption (physical and chemical) and interface formation
- Ultra high vacuum (UHV) technology
- Methods for preparation of thin films (Physical and chemical methods)
Structure, morphology and electronic properties of surfaces and interfaces (No. of Lecture 6)
- Structure of clean surfaces, reconstructions, stepped surfaces
- Electronic properties of surfaces
- Adsorbates on surfaces, self-assembly, consequences of adsorbates on surface
- Electronic properties of adsorbates on surfaces
Thermodynamics at surface (No. of Lecture 5)
- Surface tension
- Surface energy and surface composition
- Meta stable surfaces, curves surfaces
- Thermodynamics of adsorbed layers
Catalysis by surface (No. of Lecture 3)
- Chemical reactions at surface
- Few case studies
Surface morphology characterization techniques (No. of Lecture 7)
- Electron microscopes (Scanning electron microscope, Transmission electron microscope)
- Near field microscopes (Scanning tunneling microscope, Atomic force microscope, Scanning electrochemical microscope, Scanning near field optical microscope)
Surface electronic properties characterization techniques (No. of Lecture 7)
- Electron emission from surfaces by incident electron or photon
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
- UV-Vis photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS)
- Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)
- High-Resolution Electron-Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (HREELS)
- Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS)
Surface structure characterization techniques (No. of Lecture 6)
- Low energy electron diffraction (LEED)
- Reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED)
Perspectives (No. of Lecture 1)
Current Course Information
Number of sections:
Tutors for each section:
Schedule for Lectures:
Schedule for Tutorial:
Schedule for Labs:
Books and References
Introduction to solid state physics by Charles Kittel
Introduction to surface chemistry and catalysis by Gabor A. Somorjai, Yimin Li
Electronic and Photoelectron Spectroscopy by Andrew M. Ellis, Miklos Feher and Timothy G. Wright
Scanning Probe Microscopy by Roland Wiesendanger
Handbook of vacuum science and technology by Dorothy Hoffman
Solid surfaces interface and thin films by H. Lüth