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Binay Kumar Pattnaik

Binay Kumar Pattnaik

PhD (University of Poona)

Emeritus Fellow, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Research Interest

Sociology of Development, Sociology of Social Movements, Sociology of Science and Technology, Environmental Sociology, and Sociology of Third Sector.


PhD, University of Poona, 1987
Thesis Title:Pending
Thesis Supervisor:Pending

M.A., University of Poona, 1981

B.A., Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, 1979

Selected Publications

BOOKS/ Journal Edited

CO-EDITOR, Bottom-up Approaches in Governance & Adaptation for Sustainable Development: Case Studies from India and Bangladesh ( with, P Swarnakar and S Zavestoski), SAGE International Publications June-July.2017

BOOKS/ Journal Edited

EDITOR, Sociology of Science and Technology in India, Edited Vol. (with an Introduction), Published by Sage, New Delhi. 2014. pp.lxxxiv-218.

BOOKS/ Journal Edited

GUEST EDITOR to International Journal (India special Issue):
Journal of Sociology of Science and Technology, published from Nestor-Historia Publishing House, Saint Petersburg, Vol. 3. No. 4. Oct- Dec 2012 Issue, special Issue devoted to the theme, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL PROCESSES IN INDIA: SOCIOLOGICAL DISCOURSES. Pp.1-163.

BOOKS/ Journal Edited

Volume. 6. No. 4, 2007.
Devoted to the theme: Science and Technology under Globalization

Research Papers in Refereed (International) Journals

Assimilation and Symbolic ethnicity through the Class-ethnicity Nexus: A study of Second generation Indian immigrants in the U.S.A (with Anirban Mukherjee), South Asian Diaspora, Routledge (Taylor & Francis group Journal) DOI: 10.1080/19438192.2021.1893011 Online published on March 4, 2021, Indexed)

Research Papers in Refereed (International) Journals

Assimilation, Heterolocalism and Ethnic Capital: The Case of an Immigrant Indian Community in America (With Anirban Mukherjee), SOCIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, Indian Sociological Society, SAGE publications, 2021, Jan Vol.70 (I). pp.1-18 (Published Oct.2020, Sage online). (Scopus Indexed)

Research Papers in Refereed (International) Journals

Community Participation in Effective Water Resource Management: A Comparative study in Alwar Rajasthan, (with R Kaushik and B Rath) Special article, Economic and Political Weekly, August 31st 2019, Vol liv.35, PP.53-58. (Scopus Indexed)

Research Papers in Refereed (International) Journals

SHGs and SHG Banking in Odisha, A Govt. programme, A social Movement or a Hydrid ? (with A K Nayak), Asian Journal of Social Sciences, Brill Academic publishers, Vol.47, No. I, 2019, pp.110-139 (SSCI, & Scopus)

Research Papers in Refereed (International) Journals

Internecine between the Indian State and the Adivsis (indigenous people) Under Neo-Liberalism: A case of Lanjigarh Resistance Movement, (with Sanghamitra Panda), Revista ABYA YALA (Journal on Access to Justice and Rights in the Americas- LEIJUS and MeCACB) Special Issue, Vol.2, No.10. 2018, PP. 44-72, Published from the ELA, University of Brasilia, Brazil.

Book Chapters & papers in International proceedings

Globalization of Industrial R&D in Developing Countries: A Sociological Perspective, (Chapter 7), in Singh Lakhwinder, K J Joseph and DKN Johnson (eds.), Technology Innovations and Economic Development, 2015, SAGE Publications, pp.209-238.

Book Chapters & papers in International proceedings

Globalization, ICT Revolution and Socio- Cultural Changes in India, published in the book, INDIA between Tradition and Modernity, By (eds.) Joanna Kurczewska, Ishwar Modi and Jaanusz Mucha, 2014,, Polish Sociological Association & Rawat Publications, New Delhi, pp.253-286.

Book Chapters & papers in International proceedings

Tribal Resistance in Odisha: Studies in New Social movements, in K K Mishra and N K Das edited (vol); Dissent, Discrimination and Dispossession (Tribal Movements in Contemporary India),2014, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalay , GOI (IGRMS) and Manohar, pp.113-148.

Book Chapters & papers in International proceedings

Introductory Essay to the Ed. Book; SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN INDIA, Published by Sage, New Delhi, 2013.pp.i-lxxxiv.

Book Chapters & papers in International proceedings

Globalization of Science and Technology (S&T) in Developing countries: A Sociological perspective, in Ishwar Modi Ed. Book, Modernization, Globalization and Social Transformations, (Prof. Yogendra Singh Felicitation Volume) Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2012, pp,257-97.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered

Attended and presented a paper entitled: Studying Kashipur Resistance Movement Through Michael Cernea’s IRR Model, in the IUAES 2019, Inter-Congress of International Association of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, held during August 27- 31 .2019, at Poznan, Poland hosted by the Polish Ethnological Society and Adam Mickiewicz University at Poznan, Poland.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered

Attended and presented paper entitled: Embedded Environmental Wisdom: Case studies in Indian Community based Knowledge systems, Cultural and Economic practices, in the Panel: OP-074 entitled: Environmental Sustainability from Below, in the 18th IUAES World Congress “World of Encounters, the Past, present and future of Anthropological knowledge” held at Florianopolis, Brazil during July 16-20, 2018, organized by the IUAES and ABA (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences and Brazilian Anthropological Association) hosted by the Federal University of Santa Catatrina, (UFSC) Florianopolis, Brazil

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered

Attended and Presented paper titled, ‘Internecine between the Indian state and the Adivasis (indigenous people), Under Neo-liberalism: A case of Lanjigarh resistance movement’, in the Panel entitled: The State and Indigenous Peoples in the Context of Neoliberal Policies (WIM-HLT07) in the Inter- Congress “CASCA/IUAES2017: Mo(u)vement” held during 02- 07 May 2017, at Ottawa, Canada. This Congress was jointly organized by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) and hosted by the University of Ottawa, Canada.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered

Presented paper entitled; ‘Understanding Anti-POSCO Movement of Odisha: Through the Politics of Development’ (Co-authored With Manoranjan Das) in the 21st International Conference on Alternative Futures and Popular Protest, held at the Manchester Metropolitan University, Manton building, Manchester, UK, during 21-23 March 2016.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered

Leader of the International delegation from ISEC Bangalore to Sri Lanka, Colombo, for presentation and negotiation for the ongoing project on Non-Tarriff barriers between India and Sri Lanka, at the ministry of Trade and Commerce Govt. of Sri Lanka and Chambers of Commerce, Sri Lanka, during 16th to 20th Nov. 2014.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered within India

Delivered Keynote address on the theme: Media, Elitism and the Legitimation Crisis: The case of Nascent Indian Democracy, at the National Workshop on Media and Social Responsibility, on 16th November 2019, organized by the PG Dept. of Public Administration, Utkal University Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar on the National Press Day celebration.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered within India

Delivered the prestigious Institute Lecture at RGIPT (A Govt. of India Institute), Jaish, Rai Bareli (UP) on the theme: Globalization and its Impact on the Scientific and Technological Research in India, on 30th October 2019.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered within India

Delivered Keynote address on the theme, Urbanization in India: Trend Developments on 14th Feb 2019, to the (two days) National Seminar organized by the SAP of Dept. of Sociology, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered within India

Delivered a Lecture series as Resource person, on Research Methods in the Induction Program of the Higher Education Academy, Govt. of Karnataka, to the College teachers (Asst. Profs) at the Karnataka University Campus, Dharwad, during 9-10 March 2018.

Important Research Papers presented in Conferences and Lectures delivered within India

Delivered Institute Lecture series on Indian Society and Culture, at National Institute of Technology, NIT Uttarakhand, at Srinagar during October 3 to 5 2016.

Awards & Fellowships

Guest Editor, Sociology of Science and Technology, Vol. 3. No. 4. Oct- Dec 2012

Guest Editor, Perspectives in Global Development and Technology, Volume. 6. No. 4, 2007

Guest Editor, Perspectives in Global Development and Technology, Vol.7, No.1, 2008

Member, Editorial Board, Sociology of Science and Technology, 2009 onwards

Chief Editor, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 2013 onwards