Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
sociology of law, sociology of religion, economic sociology with a focus on sociology of work, wealth accumulation, inheritance and entrepreneurship
PhD, Sociology, University of Delhi, 2007
M.Phil, Sociology, University of Delhi, 1997
M.A., Sociology, University of Delhi, 1995
B.A., Sociology, University of Calcutta, 1993
Undergraduate level
Postgraduate level
Sudha Sitharaman and Anindita Chakrabarti (ed.). Religion and Secularity: Reconfiguring Islam in Contemporary India (Orient Blackswan, 2020).
Anindita Chakrabarti. Faith and Social Movements: Religious Reform in Contemporary India (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Journal Publications
Anindita Chakrabarti et al. "Of Marriage, Divorce and Criminalisation: Reflections on the Triple Talaq Judgment in India." Journal of Legal Anthropology 6 no.1 (2022): 24-48.
K. C. Mujeebu Rahman and Anindita Chakrabarti. "Sharia, Legal Pluralism and Muslim Personal Law: Ethnographic Lessons from the Mahallu System of Malabar, India." Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (2022): 1-16.
Suchandra Ghosh and Anindita Chakrabarti. “Religion-based ‘Personal’ Law, Legal Pluralism and Secularity: A Field View of Adjudication of Muslim Personal Law in India” in Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 2021.
Anindita Chakrabarti. “Religious Freedom, Legal Activism and Muslim Personal Law in Contemporary India: A Sociological Exploration of Secularism” Annual Review of Sociology of Religion, BrillVol. 12. Special issue on "Religious Freedom: Social-Scientific Approaches" 2021.
Sruti Kanungo and Anindita Chakrabarti. “Gold governance and goldsmithery: Economic sociology of an informal manufacturing sector in India” Contributions to Indian Sociology 55, 2, 2021.
Anindita Chakrabarti and Suchandra Ghosh. “Judicial Reform vs Adjudication of Personal Law: View from a Muslim Ghetto in Kanpur,” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 52, No. 2, Dec 2017.
Anindita Chakrabarti. “Democracy as Civil Religion: Reading Alexis De Tocqueville in India” in Journal of Human Values (Sage Publication), Vol. 22 (1) January 2016.
Suchandra Ghosh and Anindita Chakrabarti. 2015. “Kaumi Ek Jayate: A Call for Interfaith Unity” Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 50, No. 26-27. pp. 25-27.
Anindita Chakrabarti. “Soteriological Journeys and Discourses of Self Transformation: the Tablighi Jamaat and Svadhyaya in Gujarat” in South Asian History and Culture (Routledge Publication) Vol. 1 (4) 2010.
Anindita Chakrabarti and Niharika Banerjea. “Primary Education in Himachal Pradesh: A Case of Kinnaur District” in Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Vol. XIV, No 4, October 2000.
Book Chapters
K. C. Mujeebu Rahman and Anindita Chakrabarti. “Max Weber, Religion, and Economic Acumen: the Curious Case of Muslim Entrepreneurship in Malabar, India” in Verstehen als soziologischer Zugang zur Welt- Festschrift for Monika Wohlrab-Sahr Uta Karstein, Marian Burchardt & Thomas Schmidt-Lux (ed). (Frankfurt: Campus verlag) 2022.
Sudha Sitharaman & Anindita Chakrabarti. “Anthropology of Islam in Contemporary India: A Conceptual Overview” in Sudha Sitharaman and Anindita Chakrabarti (ed.). Religion and Secularity: Reconfiguration of Islam in Contemporary India (Orient Blackswan 2020).
Suchandra Ghosh and Anindita Chakrabarti “Adjudication of Personal Law and the Question of Secularity: An Analysis of Judicial Practice in Sharia Courts of Uttar Pradesh” in Sudha Sitharaman and Anindita Chakrabarti (ed.). Religion and Secularity: Reconfiguration of Islam in Contemporary India (Orient Blackswan 2020).
Sruti Kanungo and Anindita Chakrabarti. ‘A Sociological Study of Work, Mobility and Enterprise among the Goldsmiths of India: A Multi-Sited Ethnography’, in Methodological Issues in Social Entrepreneurship Knowledge and Practice edited by Satyajit Majumdar and Edakkandi Meethal Reji. Singapore: Springer). 2020.
Anindita Chakrabarti. “Initiation, ‘Re-birth’ and the Emergent Congregation: An Analysis of the Svadhyaya Movement in Western India”, in Ritual Matters: Dynamic Dimensions in Practice, edited by Christiane Brosius and Ute Hüsken, (London: Routledge) 2010.
Anindita Chakrabarti. “Soteriological Journeys and Discourses of Self Transformation: the Tablighi Jamaat and Svadhyaya in Gujarat” in Gujarat Beyond Gandhi: Politics, Conflict and Society, edited by Nalin Mehta and Mona G. Mehta (New Delhi: Routledge), 2011.
Anindita Chakrabarti. “Judicious Succession and Judicial Religion: Internal Conflict and Legal Dispute in a Religious Reform Movement in India”, in Permutations of Order: Religion and Law as Contested Sovereignties, edited by Bertram Turner and Thomas Kirsch, (London: Ashgate). 20091.
[1] This paper won the M. N. Srinivas Memorial Prize awarded by the Indian Sociological Society in 2010.
Anindita Chakrabarti “Assertive Religious Identities, the Secular Nation-State and the Question of Pluralism: the Case of the Tablighi Jamaat” in Assertive Religious Identities: India and Europe, edited by Satish Saberwal and Mushirul Hasan, (New Delhi: Manohar) 2006.
Working Paper (peer-reviewed)
Suchandra Ghosh and Anindita Chakrabarti. “Religion-based ‘Personal’ Law, Legal Pluralism and Secularity: A Field View of Adjudication of Muslim Personal Law in India” Working Paper Series 16 of the HCAS Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities. Leipzig University, 2019.
Ongoing Book Project
I am currently co-editing a volume (Vol. 6: South Asia and Maritime Southeast Asia) in the series titled, Global Secularity: A Sourcebook which is part of the “Multiple Secularities: Beyond Modernities, Beyond West” Project.
I have published book-reviews in Contributions to Indian Sociology and the Biblio.
E-Learning Web-Course
MHRD web-course titled Rural and Urban Sociology (NPTEL) 2012.
Distinctions and fellowships
Senior Fellow at Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies (HCAS) at Leipzig University, June-July 2022.
Visiting Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (February- May 2022).
Visiting Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, 2022.
Senior Fellow, Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies (HCAS) at Leipzig University. 2016-2020
Visiting Fellow, Department of Sociology, Delhi University. 2015
Visiting Fellow, Centre for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS), JNU. 2014
Visiting Professor, Leipzig University. 2013
Doctoral Fellowship awarded by Sephis (South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development) the Netherlands. 2004-05
Visiting Research Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. 2005
University Grants Commission (Junior Research Fellowship) 1999-2004
First Rank, M.Phil. in Sociology (University of Delhi) 1997
First Rank, M.A. in Sociology (University of Delhi) 1995
First Rank, B.A. in Sociology (University of Calcutta) 1993
Professor M. N. Srinivas Memorial Prize 2010 awarded by the Indian Sociological Society. 2010
Kunda Datar Gold Medal for performance in M.A. 1995
‘From Mines to Market: Many Lives of Gold in India’. The workshop was held at IIC, New Delhi, September 2019.
‘Religion, Civil Society and Personal (Family) Law Reform in Post-Colonial Nation States: Interrogating Secularity in India and Beyond’, workshop organized at Leipzig University, June 2019.
Panel titled: ‘Exploring Secularities: A Comparative Perspective on Religion, Law and the State in India’. Conference on Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities, Leipzig University, Germany October 2018.
Organized Research Committee 06: Religion and Religious Communities as Co-convener at the 43rd All India Sociological Conference of the Indian Sociological Society, Lucknow, December 2017.
Organized Research Committee 06: Religion and Religious Communities as Co-convener at the 41st All India Sociological Conference of the Indian Sociological Society, Bhubaneswar, December 2015.
Organized Research Committee 06: Religion and Religious Communities as Co-convener at the 40th All India Sociological Conference of the Indian Sociological Society, Varanasi, November 2014.
Organized a seminar titled “Religion, Secularity and Law” at the Department of HSS, IIT Kanpur, October 2014.
Organized Research Committee 06: Religion and Religious Communities as Secretary at the 39th All India Sociological Conference of the Indian Sociological Society, Mysore, December 2013.
Organized the Research Committee 06: Religion and Religious Communities as Secretary at the 38th All India Sociological Conference of the Indian Sociological Society, Udaipur, December 2012.
Papers presented (after joining IIT Kanpur) National and international seminars, workshops and conferences:
1. “Sacred Gold, Litigious Gods and the Question of Inheritance: Anglo-Hindu Law and the Curious Case of ‘Despised’ Gold-traders (Subarna-baniks) of Bengal, India”. At the Department of History, University of Tubingen May 2019.
2. “Gender Rights, Civil Society and Personal Law: Towards a Sociology of Marriage, Divorce and the Minority Question in India”. At a two-day National seminar on Globalization, Development and Social Movements in India at Department of Sociology, Aligarh Muslim University, February 18-19, 2019.
3. “Public Interest Litigation, Religion and Adjudication of Muslim Personal Law: A Sociological Exploration of the Question of Secularity in Contemporary India”. At School of Law, Governance and Citizenship, Ambedkar University, Delhi, November 14, 2018.
4. Panelist at the event Author Meets Critics and discussed the book: The Sociology of Islam: Knowledge, Power, and Civility by Armando Salvatore. XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada July 15-21, 2018.
5. Keynote address on the occasion of Women’s Day at a workshop organized by the Defence Materials and Stores R & D Establishment (Kanpur). The title of the talk: “Women’s Day and Women’s Empowerment in India: Some Sociological Thoughts”. May 2018.
6.“Who are the Goldsmiths? Migrant Artisans’ Guilds and the Changing Contours of Goldsmithing in India” at the India Gold Policy Centre, IIM Ahmedabad, September 2017.
7. “Adjudication of Personal Law and the Question of Secularity: An Ethnography of Dar-ul-Qaza in Uttar Pradesh, India” Colloquium at Leipzig University May 2017.
8. “Courts, Law and Judges: An Ethnography of ‘Judicial’ Practice in Sharia and Civil Courts of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh”, Centre for Indian Studies in Africa. WITS, Johannesburg, March 2017.
9. “Courts, Law and Judges: An Ethnography of ‘Judicial’ Practice in Sharia and Civil Courts of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh”, Aligarh Muslim University, November 2016.
10. “Imam, Qazi and the Judge: an Ethnography of Judicial Reasoning” invited lecture at the Department of Sociology, Delhi University, February 2015.
11. “Religion and Law: an Ethnography of Judicial Reasoning” invited lecture at the Department of Sociology, Shiv Nadar University, February 2015.
12. “Religion as an Object of Sociological Research: Exploring the Conceptual and Methodological Terrain”, invited lecture at CSSS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, March 2014.
13. “Religion as a Sociological Object”, invited lecture at the Department of Sociology at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata. January 2014.
14. “Dissent, Reconstruction and Movements in India: Towards a Sociology of Sects”, public lecture at Leipzig University, October 2013.
15. “Organizing the Tablighi Jamaat and the 'Unintended Consequence' of Piety: An Anthropological View from Gujarat, India”, invited lecture at Humboldt University, October 2013.
16. “History, Society and Religion: Shared Boundaries and Conceptual Challenges” Keynote Address, ICHR National Seminar on Religion and Community in Indian History: Contemporary Reappraisals, Department of History, University of Calicut, March 2013.
17. Invited as a panelist by the Sociological Association of West Bengal at their 4th Annual Conference organized on the theme: Is Natural Science the only model of research in Sociology? December 2010.
18. Invited as a panelist at a workshop on Religion and Civil Society in South Asia, organized by the University of California, Santa Barbara. The workshop was held at the India International Centre, New Delhi, September 2010.
Principal Investigator. A Sociological Study of Goldsmiths of Bengal: Artisanal Entrepreneurship, Skill Development, and Technology. Sponsored by the India Gold Policy Centre, Indian Institute Management Ahmedabad, 2018-2020.
Principal Investigator. God’s Wealth, Monetized Gold, and Cultural Policy: A Sociological Investigation into the Question of Temple Gold in India. Sponsored by the India Gold Policy Centre, Indian Institute Management Ahmedabad, Dec 2021-April 2023.
1. Member, International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies
2. Member, European Association of Sociology
3. Associate Member, Department of History and Sociology. University of Konstanz June 2019-December 2021
3. Associate Member, Department of History and Sociology. University of Konstanz June 2019-December 2021
4. Editorial Board member of the Journal of Human Values: Sage Journals. Since 2018
5. Member of the Advisory Board of McGill Queen’s University Press on Protest, Power, and Resistance 2018 onwards
6. Life member of the Indian Sociological Society (ISS)
7. Member of the International Sociological Society
8. Referee for Economic and Political Weekly, SAMAJ and Sociological Bulletin
Shahul Ameen K.T.: “Religion, Civil Society and Democracy: The Jamaat-e-Islami and the Solidarity Youth Movement in Kerala”. Awarded in November 2015
Suchandra Ghosh: A Sociological Study of Adjudication at Dar-ul-Qaza: Personal Law, Personal Disputes and the Question of Legal Pluralism. Awarded in November 2019
Sruti Kanungo: Gold and Goldsmiths: A Sociological Study of the Informal Economy, Work and State Regulation in India. Thesis Awarded in May 2020
Currently I am supervising five doctoral students. They are working in the areas of wealth accumulation and inheritance, sociology of business and entrepreneurship, religion and sociology of law.